Whaaw Media Player

Steve Dodier sidnioulz at gmail.com
Sat Jan 2 12:05:17 UTC 2010

2010/1/1 Jarno Suni <jarno.ilari.suni at gmail.com>

> Why include a media player? Xubuntu or its website could provide a
> list of media players and an easy method to install whatever user
> prefers. A guide to make customized images would be nice, too.
Most of new Xubuntu users come from operating systems where the available
media players are not the same. It's hard for them to make a choice without
knowing any of the available pieces of software, which is why we ship a
default that we believe to do most of the job for most of the people.

Steve Dodier
Student at École Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Bourges
Free Software Developer
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