Turn off touchpad

Philip Newborough corenominal at corenominal.org
Sat Apr 17 00:02:37 UTC 2010

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 12:46 AM, Sandahl * <sandahlb at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes many dependencies and my lappy has a tendency to overheat with GNOME. I
> actually prefer Xubuntu over Ubuntu because of  Xfce. It's faster and suits
> me better not to mention more attractive. Seems like I can remember doing
> one of them but I have been using it so long I have forgotten. I tried touch
> freeze and it didn't work very well.

I am not sure this will work on Xubuntu, at least I have not tried it
myself, but have you tried manipulating your touchpad by using the
synclient command? For example,

    synclient TouchpadOff=1

should turn if off, and,

    synclient TouchpadOff=0

should turn it back on again. If it works on your system, you could
perhaps create a little toggle script and bind it to a key combo?

 -- Philip

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