request for beta2 announcement input

Kristian Rink kawazu at
Thu Apr 8 08:58:25 UTC 2010

Am 08.04.2010 10:38, schrieb Lionel Le Folgoc:
>> I didn't hear back from either of you in response to my request for input to
>> the beta1 announcement, so Xubuntu and UbuntuStudio only got a brief mention
>> at the top of the mail.  Would either of you like to have a "what's new"
>> blurb in the beta2 announcement?  If so, please send me your content by
>> Thursday morning UTC so I can include it.

A short shot at this as I am in the process of dealing with the release 


"Heading for 10.04, Xubuntu has seen a substantial overhaul, while as 
always providing a pleasant and lightweight computing environment for 
all those wanting to go with the XFCE desktop by default. Along with the 
usual updates of core components and infrastructure like the Linux 
kernel, plymouth splash screen and graphics card drivers, there are some 
changes noteworthy about Xubuntu 10.04:

- Accessibility first: In order to assist all these in need of an 
on-screen keyboard, OnBoard has been added to "Accessoires" in the 
default installation.

- All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. In order to help Jack, 
Xubuntu comes with a fine and revamped selection of games including 
classics like Mahjongg, Sudoku and Solitaire.

- Imagine! While replaced in the Ubuntu distribution, Xubuntu 10.04 
continues to offer the GNU Image Manipulation Program in the default 
installation. Along with this, xsane has been replaced in favour of 
SimpleScan to ease setup and operation of scanners.

- More bits in times of need: The all-new "Ubuntu Software Center" 
replaces the "Add/Remove ..." option provided in earlier versions.

- Changes in applications provided with Xubuntu include a significant 
update of Gnumeric (to version 1.10.1), resolving most of the issues 
seen in earlier Xubuntu versions. Likewise, "remote filesystems" has 
been renamed to Gigolo and provides access to a vast array of remote 
file system technologies, including SSH/SFTP, WebDAV and CIFS.

- Thanks to fixes in pulse-audio, by now sound no longer is muted during 
system startup.

- Bugs: Still talking Beta, some critical issues still are left to be 

* There is a critical bug in Abiword that causes a freeze for most
users when anything under the Help menu is selected. This does cause
you to lose the document you are working on.

* There are still issues being worked concerning Plymouth and Nvidia
video. Due to these issues, the splash screens on boot look less good
than desired.




Kristian Rink * # kawazu at
"What was once thought can never be unthought."
(Duerrenmatt - 'Die Physiker')

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