Xubuntu Website Software (was: Re: UDS Karmic Goals)

Vincent mailinglists at vinnl.nl
Thu May 28 06:43:17 UTC 2009

On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 11:02 PM, Pasi Lallinaho <open at knome.fi> wrote:

> Hello again xubuntu-devels (CC: newZ :),
>> <snip>
>> >
>> > I appreciate that you're more familiar with wordpress than drupal but I
>> > don't think thats strong enough motivation to migrate our website to
>> that
>> > software.
> I think it is, as I'm the one doing the core maintenance. We might also
> need to ask the opinion of Vincent as he's the web team leader, but if I
> understood correctly, he's more responsible for the content.
> The motivation to migrate to WP is locked inside me. It wants to be free!
> ;)

I've been silently watching this thread, but refrained from replying as I,
as you said, am more responsible for content (and have been a bit lax in
that area, too) and don't have a strong opinion either way. As long as it's
set up correctly, I can work with it (though admittedly, I have a better
grasp of how WP works -probably because it's not as big- so I can also do
little things like adding links to RSS feeds there). So don't worry about
what I'd think ;-)

> <snip> Aye!
> --
> Pasi Lallinaho
> Xubuntu Marketing Lead
> Web designer, graphic artist
> IRC: knome @ freenode

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