Xubuntu docs status

Cody A.W. Somerville cody-somerville at ubuntu.com
Mon Mar 30 20:16:14 UTC 2009

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 5:12 PM, Jim Campbell <jwcampbell at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> Cody,
> I've submitted my remaining changes, and Nathan has the docs in his PPA
> (which don't include the changes that I made today).
> Nathan's latest PPA (ppa2) does publish the docs the proper location, but
> the graphics and coloring provided by the CSS still are not included.
> Nathan is also now on vacation (an ubuntu-free one in Florida).  Would you
> be able to assist with this additional step?
> Please let me know ASAP.

Sure thing. I'll take a look at it tonight. Feel free to bug me about this

> Thanks,
> Jim
> On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 2:47 PM, Jim Campbell <jwcampbell at ubuntu.com>wrote:
>> Thanks, Nathan.
>> I'll submit those changes, but it might be late tonight. (I'll be
>> travelling, so . . . it might be *late-late*, i.e. if you don't hear from me
>> that I've submitted them by 5:30pm central time tonight . . . don't wait up
>> for them tonight.)  :)
>> Once they are fully submitted, built, and packaged, I'll send a note out
>> to the translator teams, and to Xubuntu-devel.  The translators need to know
>> that they are updated, and Xubuntu-devel folks need to know so that they can
>> read them and cry at their awesomeness (or, um, at least know that they are
>> ready and that they aren't massively broken.)
>> After this whold doc-ordeal, I resolve to never try to use yelp again for
>> Xubuntu docs.  *le sigh*  :-P
>> Jim
>> On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 1:54 PM, Nathan Handler <nhandler at ubuntu.com>wrote:
>>> On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Jim Campbell <jwcampbell at ubuntu.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Nathan Handler and I built the docs and put them into Nathan's PPA last
>>> > night, but there appears to be a minor glitch in the build process
>>> Hi Jim,
>>> Thank you for testing out the package. I'm not at home right now, but
>>> I think I should be able to resolve those build issues you found. If
>>> you want to fix the typos, I personally have no problem with that, and
>>> can get the changes included the package when I update it later today.
>>> Nathan

Cody A.W. Somerville
Software Systems Release Engineer
Foundations Team
Custom Engineering Solutions Group
Canonical OEM Services
Phone: +1-781-850-2087
Cell: +1-506-471-8402
Email: cody.somerville at canonical.com
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