Xubuntu 9.04 Beta Release Announcement

Jim Campbell jwcampbell at ubuntu.com
Thu Mar 26 20:24:54 UTC 2009

Wow, there are some halfway decent release announcement notes up on the
wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/JauntyJackalope/BetaAnnouncement

It sure would be cool if they could be linked to as part of a news
announcement on Xubuntu.org.  Is that in the works?  If not, can it be?

Your friend,


On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 9:17 AM, Jim Campbell <jwcampbell at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 7:25 PM, Charlie Kravetz <
> cjk at teamcharliesangels.com> wrote:
>> I am drawing blanks on bugs today, although I am sure there are some.
>> I do think we should have something on how to upgrade for 8.10. Also,
>> there is a definite problem upgrading system with Intel 8x5 and 9x5
>> video to Jaunty. It probably should not even be attempted. Some of the
>> Intel systems will work, of course, but many more will not.
> Charlie - thanks for this.  I looked for upgrade instructions to 9.04 from
> 8.10 . . . we had them for the 8.04 to 8.10(beta).  I couldn't find them for
> Intrepid to Jaunty, though.  Maybe they will be put together from the Ubuntu
> side today.  I'll subscribe to the Ubuntu release announcement wiki page to
> see how if it gets updated with this information.
> As for the intel chipset thing - I have an Intel 945, and I've been ok.
> ??  Not sure what that means in the big picture, though.
>> There are also issues with pulse-audio, still, which may not be
>> resolved until after the final release. Alsa-audio should be okay.
> If this could be noted, that would be great.
>> Are we including the notify-osd package?
> I don't think we include this.  Notifications seem like the regular ones to
> me.
> As for the mirror list - all I did was copy and paste from the 8.10 beta
> announcement, and then change the 8.10 to 9.04.  The first link I checked
> came up as a 404.  I will hide the mirror list for now, but would appreciate
> it if someone who can be on IRC today could check on mirror-list status and
> update things accordingly (if possible).
> Charlie, thanks for providing the link to the Xubuntu announcement from the
> Ubuntu release announcement.  :)
> Jim
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