Request to extend Xubuntu Release Delegation to include Lionel Le Folgoc (mr_pouit)

Cody A.W. Somerville cody.somerville at
Wed Mar 11 21:29:21 UTC 2009

Hello MOTU Release Team,

 I'd like to request that the MOTU Release team bless and recognize the
extension of release authority delegation for Xubuntu to Lionel Le Folgoc.
Lionel is the Xubuntu Technical Lead as well as a Ubuntu Core Developer.
With Lionel being so instrumental in the development and release management
of Xubuntu, I have complete faith that Lionel is able to make sound
decisions in regards to the many administrative release tasks and decisions
presented durring this segment of the release cycle.

If the MOTU Release Team or any one else has any objections, please let them
be made known. Otherwise, I'd ask that the MOTU Release Team notify the
appropriate teams (ie. Ubuntu Release Team, Archive Admin Team, etc.) of
this extension once the required consensus is established.


Cody A.W. Somerville
Software Systems Release Engineer
Foundations Team
Custom Engineering Solutions Group
Canonical OEM Services
Phone: +1-781-850-2087
Cell: +1-506-471-8402
Email: cody.somerville at
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