Inclusion of xfce-taskmanager?

Marko Oreskovic markoresko at
Wed Feb 11 23:39:04 UTC 2009

Jim Campbell wrote:
>         If I remember correctly xfce-task-manger was dropped in favour of
>         gnome-system-monitor
>     Yep, Gnome's System Monitor allows you to do the things mentioned
>     above and more.
> Ok - good to know.  I'll check it out.
> Jim

I think that Xfce task manager was previously default for Xubuntu.

As I remember last time I used it, it had issues like memory leak/lockup
and I switched to gnome-system-monitor myself, before it became default,
only because of misbehaving Xfce task manager in that time.

I don`t know how Xfce task manager behaves now..

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