CD Distribution

Larry Cafiero larry.cafiero at
Tue Feb 10 00:21:33 UTC 2009

This brings up an interesting question because I've always downloaded and
burned all of my own Xubuntu CDs -- does Canonical (or someone) produce
Xubuntu CDs for distribution (like they do with the Ubuntu Live CDs)?

Larry Cafiero

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 5:14 PM, Marko Oreskovic <markoresko at>wrote:

> hpp3 at wrote:
> > There used to be a blurb on the Xubuntu webpage that said Xubuntu doesn't
> > have the resources to distribute CD's through the mail. I always wished I
> > could do something about it, and with inspiration from a friend I think
> we
> > have an idea that can help...
> We are doing this thing in our LoCo for few years now.
> We post aether on Forum or on Wiki what CD/DVDs we have we can share and
> how we are willing to share them and some location hints etc.
> (I usually give them Ubuntu DVD and Xubuntu CD)
> Most of the time I end up meeting with people and giving them cd/DVDs.
> and once I downloaded 3 Debian DVDs and send it to one.
> If we meet, they usually can pay for cost of cd/dvd media but nothing
> else.
> Now if it exist it is on regional level etc.
> But some kind of centralized action on Distribution level ,
> or better, on all Linuxes level could be done.
> (I send multiple distros to people)
> --
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> xubuntu-devel at
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