Thank you for Xubuntu!

Vincent mailinglists at
Wed Feb 4 20:19:23 UTC 2009

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 1:37 AM, Cody A.W. Somerville <
cody-somerville at> wrote:

> Kudos to everyone who contributes to Xubuntu! :) Its always nice to receive
> e-mails like the following on behalf of the entire team.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Robert McAuley <rmcauley at>
> Date: Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 7:29 PM
> Subject: Thank you for Xubuntu!
> To: cody-somerville at
> After spending the last 10 or so years switching between GNOME, KDE,
> *box, and Windows, I finally have a desktop environment that truly
> fits my needs.  A friend recommended XFCE to me, so I tried Xubuntu,
> and I absolutely love it.
> Thank you for the great work! (and thanks to your team, too!)
> - Rob

Heh, I supposed I should do this more often, but I've been getting a lot of
positive reactions to Xubuntu on my blog (both in comments and in direct
emails), so I suppose I'll share some comments from the latest twenty or so
notification-emails sent to me:

 I installed Xubuntu on the laptops about 2 months ago and have never been
> sorry for doing so.  The distribution runs very well and is very, very
> stable.

I can't believe how much I love Xubuntu.

Xubuntu is the best distro i have ever runs better than ubuntu in
my system.Long live xubutnu and xubuntu blog.

Now I'm using my HP 2133 with xubuntu + compiz it is quite nice. I have
> tried many many distributions but I think I'm going stick with this one, at
> least for now :->

And of course some kudos from me, too :)
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