Xubuntu Testing Team - Jaunty Alpha4
Charlie Kravetz
cjk at teamcharliesangels.com
Mon Feb 2 18:45:26 UTC 2009
WARNING: Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED, it will most certainly break your system in bad ways.
On 02-05-2009, we are scheduled to release the Jaunty Jackalope Alpha4 image. To insure this is the best release possible, and to catch as many bugs as possible early in the release cycle, we should get as many tests as we can. To see what this is about, check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/TestingInfo .
Testing for the alph4 release normally can begin when the qa tracker allows the results to be reported. Start watching at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/xubuntu/all to see when we can report testing results. At least 5 reports for each test listed is highly desired. This will help greatly to insure the Xubuntu Jaunty release is the best yet.
A point to keep in mind for all the Xubuntu Testing Team members, the iso images can change several times a day when we are testing the alpha4 candidate. If you reported results, and when you go to check later they are missing, the image may have changed and needs to be tested again. This happened many times prior to the Alpha3 release.
I am available on irc.freenode.net, #xubuntu, for any questions. My IRC nick is charlie-tca.
WARNING: Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED, it will most certainly break your system in bad ways.
Charlie Kravetz
Linux Registered User Number 425914 [http://counter.li.org/]
Never let anyone steal your DREAM. [http://keepingdreams.com]
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