Artwork proposals for xubuntu 8.10

jmak jozmak at
Fri Jun 6 17:44:50 UTC 2008

Hello all,

Here are a few ideas that I am proposing for xubuntu's next release.
The order of items are indicating the priority of tasks.

1) Create a brand new gtk theme. For the time being, I am suggesting
the use of Unity. The theme has been created by Cimi, a gnome
developer; it is fast and bug free. The theme has a nice gray tone to
it. Easy on the eye and contemporary in appearance. It harmonizes
with any color schemes. As a bonus, it is already included in the
universe repository as a part of the gnome extras package. Cimi will
release a brand new murrina engine and a range of new themes in
August. We can take a look at these themes when they will be available
and we can decide  about their use.

2) Replace the Tango icons to a more modern and visually appealing
theme. I have created a new wiki page for visual ideas. If you have
any suggestion for icons or any other idea please indicate it on the
wiki; this way all ideas will be in one place for easier review. The
address is:

3) Make sure that the fine details of the desktop is taken care of.
This is something, I have been advocating for many years but always
ignored. The details may include theming the panel, improving the
icons' appearances on the panel or getting rid of the visual noises
(for instance, the label backgrounds).

4) New Usplash and throbber. The current one (the throbber) is nothing
less than atrocious (borrowed from Ubuntu), it made the Usplash look
like an ugly patchwork; this needs to be tackled. Lets keep in mind
that the Usplash is not there only to inform or entertain, but also to
function as a branding image; this is what the user sees at each boot
up-- it supposed to burn the brand image in the mind of the user.

5) New gdm theme. We had problems finding the correct size of the
login box for hardy. Maybe someone can help me figuring out why the
size of the box appears inconsistent at different installations.

6) Wallpaper. I am thinking about some darker wallpaper this time
(dark blue or even black?) to create a more dynamic look and feel and
prevent the desktop from turning into an all too monochromatic

That's it for now. If you have any idea let us know so that we can
discuss it in more details.


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