REMINDER: Xubuntu team meeting tomorrow, 2008-07-12, 1300 UTC

Jim Campbell jwcampbell at
Fri Jul 11 16:24:43 UTC 2008

Hi All,

Just a reminder that we've scheduled a Xubuntu team meeting for tomorrow,
Saturday, July 12th.  Here are the meeting details:

Meeting time:  1300 UTC  (You can convert UTC time to your local time using
this website. [1])
Meeting location: #ubuntu-meeting channel on the Freenode IRC network.

Who should attend:  Anyone who is currently contributing to Xubuntu or
Xfce/Ubuntu development, packaging, triage, artwork, testing, documentation,
or support, or who wants to contribute in any of those areas.

I've set up an initial agenda for the meeting [2].  There's a lot we can
cover, so we will need to do our best to be efficient.  Please take a moment
to review the agenda now, and feel free to add, change or remove any of the

Thanks, and I look forward to seeing you there,


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