
Vincent mailinglists at
Mon Aug 4 15:13:21 UTC 2008

On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 5:01 PM, jmak <jozmak at> wrote:
> I agree with you. I am also running dreamlinux, in fact that is the
> only distro that I didn't feel the need to change its defaults
> setting.
> This just shows what I said before; how important the look is. And how
> important to understand the target audience preferences.
> By the way, AWN developers are working on a standalone launcher that
> works without compiz. Maybe, we can already start thinking about
> replacing xubuntu's bottom panel in the upcoming releases with AWN
> launcher.

Bad idea, AWN isn't great in terms of usability. It leaves the two bottom
corners, which are easiest to reach with the mouse (together with the top
corners) unused. Besides, AWN takes up quite a lot of vertical space while
we will still also need a top panel for the menu and such.

> I already mentioned many releases ago that xubuntu needs a
> personality, a character rather than slavishly copying gnome layout.
> This is all the more important, because with the fantastic release of
> kde 4, there is a chance that gnome will fade into the twilight zone.

Fantastic is subjective. GNOME won't fade into obscurity. KDE created itself
a new niche so that now both GNOME and KDE really have their own, mostly
separate, target audience.

> Even Mark Suttleworth indicated, it is possible that in the future kde
> will be the main ubuntu desktop rather than gnome.

No he didn't. He said that an LGPL Qt might be the basis of GNOME instead of
GTK - with an emphasis on *might*, because clearly that would be a lot of
work. Besides, GTK is also still improving.

Regarding the tutorial on reporting things on Launchpad: it's not *that*
difficult, but I might write one.

> jmak


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