
Vincent mailinglists at
Sun Aug 3 14:47:53 UTC 2008

On Sun, Aug 3, 2008 at 2:35 PM, jmak <jozmak at> wrote:
> Here the point is: everything has a certain logic, regardless of the
> circumstances. If you build a house, you cannot start with the roof,
> but with the foundations, walls and so forth. If someone insists of
> building the roof first, you know that this person has never built a
> house before. But this can be rectified by explaining to him that the
> right way building the house is by starting with the foundation. If
> insists, you wont waiste your time on the project. This is the case
> with graphic artists, they come, look around, register what's going on
> make a few sensible recommendations and when see that nothing happens
> they leave. I think many would stay if they could meaningfully
> contribute to the project.

OK, in general, I think we agree with you. However, what is your proposed
solution? Who should do what? Who is currently doing what wrong? We don't
just need a description of the problem, but also a proposed solution to make
progress. I can't think of any.

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