Desktop becoming art
jozmak at
Fri Aug 1 02:27:57 UTC 2008
On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 8:43 PM, Lewis <puhtokie at> wrote:
> TO: Mark Shuttleworth,
> I agree with the fact that Linux (Ubuntu in this case) desktops must become
> art. It's been critical for me that Linux become extremely user friendly,
> not only for ease of use by newbies, but also by those who may want to try
> Linux but don't have, and never will have, the inclination to delve into the
> heart of the OS. All most people want the OS to do is work and do what they
> want and not create nightmares when they need to add something.
> At this point, several Linux Distros have accomplished that task nicely –
> for the most part – but the one factor that will really make Linux stand out
> is the artistry of the appearance and performance of the operating system. I
> like my Vista Ultimate because I can put an animated desktop on it and still
> use the system (yes, icons can still be on the desktop). The Vista Ultimate
> system will actually run mpg files as desktops, so I can have my spinning
> planet earth or my beautiful waterfalls and still do my work. Also, as a
> computer business owner, my personal desktop has impressed my customers so
> much, several have said they purchase new computers and went ahead and opted
> for Vista Ultimate instead of XP Pro simply because of the appearance of my
> desktop.
> I know Ubuntu can display animated desktop, but you can have icons on the
> desktop at the same time, and it involves some kind of root code line (or
> something like that) to make it work; and it's really just using a
> screensaver as your desktop. Not very handy, not the least bit impressive
> and more trouble than most people are willing to extend. I hope the
> programmers will rise to the challenge and make a way for mpg files to be
> used as desktop, the way Vista does. The nice thing about that is that I
> could then import my Vista mpg's and use them in Linux. Do that and people
> will be really impressed!
> For example, have you notice how may cars a manufacturer can sell by giving
> it an impressive name, a special paint job and some fancy extra accessories?
> It's still a machine with an internal combustion engine, seats to sit in and
> a steering wheel, but people will parade it around like it's a diamond on
> wheels, and lots of people will jump on the band wagon to get one. That's
> what you need to do with Linux. It's already the most stable, and useful OS
> in the world, now make it look the way people want it to look and you'll
> open whole new vistas (pun intended) for Linux.
> Also, one more thing…. Give the desktop icons and start bars some 3D
> appearance and functionality. Just look at Windows (again – especially XP
> and Vista) and you'll see what I mean. Vista does a nice job of jazzing up
> the progress bars, and making the "Start" icon look really 3D… take a hint …
> please!
> Love Ubuntu and will keep working with it.
> Lewis M. Fulkerson
> CowboyTech System
> 115 Holly St.
> Perry, OK 73077
> (580) 336 -7258
Very good points. This is something I hope will inspire all of us to
give more priority to the visual desktop in the upcoming xubuntu
Here, I would like to take the opportunity to send out a second call:
is anybody out there who has a more depth understanding about the
underlying code of the usplash and could help me implementing a new
progress bar?
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