Release candidate release notes
imnotb at
Sat Oct 13 16:46:17 UTC 2007
On 13/10/2007, Freddy Martinez <freddymartinez9 at> wrote:
> I have created the page but I am not sure what people want
> highlighted. I'd like to highlight the new docs: has someone seen
> them in action? Is App Armor enabled? We can talk about
> Xubuntu-restricted-extras and Basero as well right?
The timing of this email got me thinking, because at this moment I'm
creating a really extensive review of Gutsy showing all the new stuff for my
blog. All posts on my blog are licenses under CC-BY-SA so you could also use
that when it's finished. The updates are *a lot* though, I hope to have it
finished by tomorrow.
> Best,
> Freddy Martinez
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