Xubuntu Gutsy Gibbon - Low Resource Showoff - 2007-11-14

Eero Tamminen oak at helsinkinet.fi
Thu Nov 15 20:29:07 UTC 2007


On Wednesday 14 November 2007, Jelle de Jong wrote:
> This message contains the following attachment(s):
> Xubuntu Gutsy Gibbon - Low Resource Showoff - 2007-11-14.png (request
> due to size limits)
> Hello al,
> I just wanted everybody to see what a performance tweaked version of
> Xubuntu Gutsy Gibbon can look like. There are no changes made to the
> kernel. So it is possible to tweak it even more.
> http://imagebin.ca/view/8uPq8MTU.html
> http://imagebin.ca/download/8uPq8MTU.png

Erm.  It shows XFCE terminal taking 99MB of virtual memory of which 20MB is
resident.  On my (Feisty) Kubuntu desktop "konsole" takes currently 32MB
virtual memory of which 14MB is resident.  I'd say XFCE terminal needs a bit
of attention from Valgrind memcheck and massif tools...

It also seems that you don't have a session manager.  If you use gdm as your
session manager, by setting it to do autologin, you save quite a bit of
memory because it's its UI that uses most of RAM.  Gdm configuring doesn't
need any init scripts hacking and with autologin you still get the normal
Gdm login screen when you log out (instead of e.g. shutdown).

	- Eero

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