New panel size

Jelle de Jong jelledejong at
Thu Nov 8 20:10:32 UTC 2007

Vincent wrote:
> On Nov 8, 2007 6:42 PM, Cody A.W. Somerville <cody-somerville at
> <mailto:cody-somerville at>> wrote:
>     It seems to me that increasing the panel size does not in fact
>     increase the size of the panels. In instead increases the size of
>     the icons and when the icons reach a critical mass, the panel
>     resizes to accomedate. This is why I've increased the top panel to
>     38 and the bottom panel to 24. I feel that the top panel needs to be
>     larger than the bottom panel due to the widgets used there (it looks
>     disgusting when it is smaller - especially the applications menu
>     because the icon we use is png and does not scale well).
> Not that you mention it - we should have a .svg there. Shouldn't be too
> hard to make, both the Ubuntu logo as Xfce's mouse (I believe) can be
> obtained as .svg .
> By the way, could anyone explain the problem with the icons and the
> smaller panels? As said, I've set up my panels smaller but I see no
> problem with the icons.
> -- 
> Vincent

The examples with a clear fuzzy and sharp

32 pix vs 28 pix (24 pix is no go)

Best regards,


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