Xubuntu Meeting - Wednesday, May 2nd
Jim Campbell
jwcampbell at gmail.com
Tue May 1 18:59:22 UTC 2007
Hi All,
Just a reminder that we'll have our first Xubuntu Gutsy Gibbon developer
meeting tomorrow, May 2nd. Our full meeting schedule for this release cycle
is up on the fridge <http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event>. Here are the details
for tomorrow's session, though:
Xubuntu Developers Meeting
Start: 2007-05-02 20:00
End: 2007-05-02 22:00
Timezone: Etc/GMT
Channel: #ubuntu-meeting
I've put an agenda up at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings, but
please look it over and feel free to make changes. It's just stuff that I
came up with off of the top of my head. =)
jwcampbell at gmail.com
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