crashers agains

Eero Tamminen oak at
Sat Mar 31 19:34:49 UTC 2007


On Mon, 2007-03-26 at 14:52 +0300, Jani Monoses wrote:
> even if some were closed, there are still quite some crashes being reported in LP.
> They seem to happen when the users are not around so are not easily reproduceable.
> If you find xfce4-session, xfdesktop or the panel crashing please add as much information
> as you can to the bug reports. I have yet to experience crashes in recent times in feisty,
> so cannot easily debug.

I'm not really sure whether my experience with Ubuntu Edgy I installed
recently applies to this, but I found out that X server crashes when
the screensaver starts or if I at Gdm login screen switch to console,
X server crashes when autologin starts.  The backtraces in X log
would seem to point to XAA/GLX/DRI.

My gfx card is Matrox G550, and the problem doesn't appear
if in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf I use following:
Section "Extensions"
        Option          "GLX"           "Disable"
        Option          "Composite"     "Disable"

I.e. disable 3D completely...  I saw in bug tracker some notes about
a bug where disabling (just) composite helped for crashes, which was
supposed to be fixed for Feisty, but for my crashing disabling whole
GLX was required.

	- Eero

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