SMB Browsing Tools

Surajram Kumaravel mail4me at
Thu Mar 29 18:40:26 UTC 2007


I'm quite new to Xubuntu (i haven't started using it.. i'm waiting for 
the iso files to download) but i've used Ubuntu and XFCE (on Zenwalk) 
quite often.

I was going through the software listing page at and found that there is 
a requrement for a SMB browsing tool. I haven't Tried using FUSE but 
from what I have read it will also overcome one of the biggest problems 
users migrating to linux face, i.e NTFS write access

Coming back to the main reason for this thread... I remember using an 
extremely usefull tool as LinNeighborhood long time back

I suppose this project is not under development. but i still feel that 
this might be useful

Also i came across a tool called xsmbrowser. I cant find any link to the 
web site now but here is a link to a google search

Surajram Kumaravel

p.s. forgive any mistakes coz. i'm in a hurry...

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