Feisty+1 Specifications

Vincent imnotb at gmail.com
Tue Mar 27 08:15:22 UTC 2007

Firstly, I forgot to mention this before, but surely we can include some
games too? There are plently of small, highly original or playable games
that are cool to play while waiting, such as SuperTux or Liquid War (though
the latter is a bit slow I guess).

On 26/03/07, Jim Campbell <jwcampbell at gmail.com> wrote:
> /me is fired up.  :-)
> Here's a couple of ideas:
> ** Samba browsing support via Thunar.  Yes, I know it's been asked for
> lots of times, and that we all want it, but we should revisit it for
> Feisty+1.  It isn't too difficult to set this up via fusesmb and a little
> CLI and menu magic, but it would be nice to have something more integrated
> and user friendly.  If an upstream fix is not available, perhaps a we could
> put together a wizard of some sort to take users through the setup process.
> --- In this regard, I'm not too fond of pyneighborhood.  I was looking
> through its log files while using it, and found that the log files contain
> network login information in plain text.  This text is removed when the
> program closes, but I still don't like it.
> ** Have no "shutdown text" displayed prior to shutdown.  Both kubuntu and
> xubuntu display screen text during the initial stages of shutdown, and then
> the shutdown splash image is displayed briefly towards the very end of
> shutdown - The splash and throbber only show for about the last two or three
> bars of the shutdown process.  Ubuntu currently has it set up so that the
> throbber displays throughout the shutdown process (with a brief screen
> refresh in the middle of the process).  We should mimic the ubuntu behavior
> in this regard.

Agreed. You don't have this problem when selecting "Shutdown" from gdm.

** nm-applet: Slightly less user involvement required to get nm-applet in
> the taskbar.  I was using iwlist and other such CLI trickery before finding
> out about nm-applet.  Nm-applet sure makes getting onto a wireless network
> very easy, and we should find a way to make it more easily available.
> ** Slightly off-topic, but I'd like to get input from Xubuntu devs on a
> new u/ku/edu/xu/buntu ISO testing spec that we are putting together.  The
> test-result wiki didn't scale very well once you got past more than a
> handful of testers, and the launchpad page doesn't scale much better.
> Neither of them provide concise feedback on any across-the-board problems
> that might exist.  Developers, what kind of feedback from the community ISO
> test results would help you the most?  What would you like to see?  Here's a
> draft of a spec for that: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IsoTestingTracker

I think you'd need to implement special software for that... Couldn't
Launchpad be expanded to support this better?

** Do any of us use gxine for playing media?  What are people using for
> their media players?  In terms of audio, Quod Libet does not depend on
> gnome, and is written in python . . .

I use Exaile, because it is developed so quickly (Python ;) ) but it's not
that fast. Quod Libet definitely is my second choice.

** Refreshed post-gdm-login splash screens and wallpaper options.  (Sorry,
> Jani . . . Maybe we should add a xubuntu-art mailing list, too)  :-)
> ** Xubuntu-powered nurse robot to help Cody get better. :-)

Second that.

> On 3/26/07, Cody Somerville <cody.somerville at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello Developers + Interested Parties,
> >
> > As you know, we are quickly approaching the release of Xubuntu 7.04(Feisty) and work will soon begin on Feisty+1. After the first month of
> > development, specifications are generally expected to be finalized. This is
> > why I'd like to ask everyone to start thinking about what we want to do in
> > Feisty+1 to make Xubuntu rock even more then it already does. I know I'm
> > really pumped up about Feisty+1 and I encourage you all to get really fired
> > up as well.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Cody A.W. Somerville
> >
> >
> >
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> jwcampbell at gmail.com
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