feisty current alternate image

graeme burton graeme_c_burton at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Mar 21 08:20:11 UTC 2007

--- Jelle de Jong <jelledejong at powercraft.nl> wrote:

> Adam Miller wrote:
> > I just had a concerned user join the irc channel
> and exclaim that he
> > couldn't believe that Xubuntu installation image
> had become larger than
> > 700mb. I quickly corrected him by sending him this
> link:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > and assuring him that we were still below 550mb,
> but he (who was more
> > informed than I) posted back a link to:
> > 
> > http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily/current/
> > 
> > and informed me that he was trying to test the
> alternate image but was
> > not able to because he lacks a dvd burner and
> cd-r's have a maximum
> > capacity of 700mb (or atleast all the one's he and
> I own, some
> > manufacturer might have gotten a little more on
> there). I am just
> > curious if that image size is what it is supposed
> to be, and also why
> > its so large while the live cd is notably smaller.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > -Adam
> I already send info to Jim about this problem. It
> was in my xubuntu test
> report. I believe it is because the rsync system
> that adds changes to
> the iso and make its size bigger.
> This is not a very nice way, instead the iso should
> be rebuild so it
> will be as small as possible.
> Regards,
> Jelle
> -- 
> xubuntu-devel mailing list
> xubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com

The 150mb difference between the Alternate and Desktop
was the same on Edgy, which is as far back as I've
been using Xubuntu. It is my understanding that the
Alternate is larger due to it containing extra
packages and/or the way in which packages of stored.
(It's possible to upgrade a release with the
Alternate, but not with the Desktop). I was also under
the impression that test releases contain debug info,
which formal releases do not.

I think it is very important that Xubuntu should
always fit on a CD or at least for the foreseeable

It would be good to know whether what I believe to be
true is accurate.

aka grazie

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