Here to help

Adam Miller maxamillion at
Thu Mar 8 22:04:17 UTC 2007

welcome aboard!

The help is much appreciated!


On 3/8/07, Freddy Martinez <freddymartinez9 at> wrote:
> Hello team,
> My name is Freddy Martinez and I came to help. I've been doing work for
> Ubuntu for quite some time and wanted to come over to this side of the fence
> so help you out. From what I can see, the Xubuntu development isn't anywhere
> as large as Kubuntu or Ubuntu, but I'd like to help out as much as I can. I
> did a patch to the doc work recently and am familiar with some on the team.
> Like I said, I came to help so if you need anything feel free to email me
> freddymartinez9 at or ping me on IRC (Admiral_Chicago).
> --
> Best,
> Freddy Martinez
> </message>
> --
> xubuntu-devel mailing list
> xubuntu-devel at

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