Why are there 2 printer daemons running by default?

Jan Claeys lists at janc.be
Wed Mar 7 00:04:37 UTC 2007

On di, 2007-03-06 at 19:19 +0100, Joachim Ziegler wrote:
> Harold Aling wrote:
> > Only if plug-and-play will start hplib automatically so that the user 
> > doesn't have to do anything to get his/her printer/scanner working...
> Sorry, I do not understand your statement.
> I do not have an HP attached, so this service should not be started on 
> my machine (according to Xubuntu's philosophy of being lean). Of course, 
> if more than 50% of all Xubuntu users have an HP attached, then this 
> service should probably be enabled by default. But have they? I am in 
> doubt... 

I think that what Harold means is that once hplip starts automaticly
when it's needed, then it can be removed from the list of things that
are always started.

One problem might be that there is no easy way to "plug-n-play" a
printer on a parallel port if it wasn't on while booting.

But maybe it could be started only if an HP printer is actually
installed in CUPS, as well as at times when a CUPS configuration utility
tries to detect a printer.

So, fixing this might require help from the kernel, udev, CUPS, hplip
and maybe even some other developers...

Jan Claeys

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