Default artwork

Jelle de Jong jelledejong at
Mon Mar 5 15:55:12 UTC 2007

jmak wrote:
> On 3/5/07, foxy at <foxy at> wrote:
>> Quoting jmak <jozmak at>:
>>> On 3/5/07, Gauvain Pocentek <gauvainpocentek at> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Did we finally have a decision about artwork/default-settings? I'd like
>>>> to upload a new x-default-settings package, but I need to know what has
>>>> been decided (my choices are almost always crappy).
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Gauvain
>>> Hello Gauvain,
>>> The final artworks are here.
>>> Jmak
>>> --
>>> --
>>> xubuntu-devel mailing list
>>> xubuntu-devel at
>> I just wanted to give some feedback on current artwork featured in
>> Herd 5. GDM login screen looks very nice but if you set timed login
>> for any particular user it breaks it. Everything gets shifted. I do
>> not know how to make a screenshot of it but you can try to set timed
>> login in login manager to see it.
> On mine, it works perfectly. I loged in and out a few times but I
> didnt experience any problem. Does anyone have this login problem?
> jmak
Just one other commend don't use berly because I have 3 brand new pc
here with different onboard vga chips that don't support texture
rendering or 3D rendering.

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