
Robert B. Lance Sr. vidd at
Thu Jan 11 16:47:30 UTC 2007

One item that always annoyed me was the 2 taskbars...why is that necessary? all the default panels fit nicely on one taskbar, even on resolution as low as 800X600 (the panel showing open tasks needed tweaking to set minimum to 100 as opposed to 300, but that was only an issue when rearranging the panels to get rid of the unnecessary [and annoying] second panel)

Robert B. Lance Sr.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Adam Miller 
  To: Xubuntu Development Discussion 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 5:14 PM
  Subject: Re: Desktop 

  Interesting subject matter that pertains to our current debate. 


  On 1/9/07, Cody Somerville <cody.somerville at> wrote:
    Unfortunately I don't have the background required to articulate what I do and don't like about the artwork beyond that. Telling you what I like and would like to see is all that I can provide.


    Cody A.W. Somerville

    On 1/9/07, jmak < jozmak at> wrote:
      On 1/9/07, Cody Somerville <cody.somerville at> wrote:
      > Personally, I like whatever Feisty is using currently - this includes the 
      > blue tango icons. It looks clean and glossy (with the new look for window 
      > decorations).
      > As for the GDM theme, I'm not sure I like how it is boxed like that - it
      > feels like we aren't using the rest of the screen real-estate and lacks a
      > level of professionalism that the dapper gdm theme provided. 
      > As for the usplash, I don't like the text. I don't think that it provides
      > the clean, lean, and professional image that I'd like to see us strive for.

      What is the point? Criticism cannot be based on individual taste. If 
      you have a problem with the artworks articulate (that you dont like it
      is not an argument) it rather than just throw phrases around that you
      dont even know their meanings.


      > > --
      > > 2007 Calendar 
      > >
      > >
      > >

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