
jmak jozmak at
Tue Jan 9 19:02:48 UTC 2007

On 1/9/07, Cody Somerville <cody.somerville at> wrote:
> Personally, I like whatever Feisty is using currently - this includes the
> blue tango icons. It looks clean and glossy (with the new look for window
> decorations).
> As for the GDM theme, I'm not sure I like how it is boxed like that - it
> feels like we aren't using the rest of the screen real-estate and lacks a
> level of professionalism that the dapper gdm theme provided.
> As for the usplash, I don't like the text. I don't think that it provides
> the clean, lean, and professional image that I'd like to see us strive for.

What is the point? Criticism cannot be based on individual taste. If
you have a problem with the artworks articulate (that you dont like it
is not an argument) it rather than just throw phrases around that you
dont even know their meanings.


> > --
> > 2007 Calendar
> >
> >
> >

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