Courtesy Reminder - Meeting

Jelle de Jong jelledejong at
Wed Jan 3 21:09:12 UTC 2007

Adam Miller wrote:
> Devel meeting to be held on January 3rd @ UTC 2200 in #ubuntu-meetings
> -- 
> -=:Max:=-
> --OpenPGP key: 5DBFA065--

Hello people,

I was on the IRC this eventing for the meeting, but I realist it was in
UTC time. I live in the Netherlands and that would make it 23:00 and
that is just to late for me, next day will be a working day. So I can't
make it.

Would it be possible to change it to 21:00 UTC time. I know we voted but
I believe I voted on the wrong time :-D. And in the summer maybe change
it to 20:00 UTC time.

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