BUG Report: rpmdb: Berkeley DB library configured to support only DB_PRIVATE environments

Alessio Terpin aterpin at ictp.it
Sat Apr 7 14:31:49 UTC 2007


  try to make on Xubuntu a apt-rpm repository
  when i make genbasedir
  I get the following error

   rpmdb: Berkeley DB library configured to support only DB_PRIVATE 
   error: db4 error(22) from dbenv->open: Invalid argument

  In my Humble opinion the probelm is due a some configuration when the 
packages is  



   I hope to have submited to the right list, otherwise please send me 
the address of the
   right list

|    Alessio Terpin - System engineer                                          |
|    Egrid Project : ICTP [Trieste]     www.egrid.it www.ictp.it               |
|    Phone:  +39 040 2240 549                                                  |
|    ICQ:150347540   Skype: alessio.terpin                                     |

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