
Gauvain Pocentek gauvainpocentek at
Mon Apr 9 18:24:17 UTC 2007

Karsten Müller a écrit :
> > I Think Gnome-mount should be default for Xubuntu 7.04 it does not
> > depend on gnome libs and is much better than the thunar-vfs..
> Uhm, it depends on libgnome2-0, libgnomecanvas2-0
> and libnautilus-extension1, for example.

No. It doesn't (we're talking about feisty).


> I think that's to much Gnome-Stuff, and the thunar-volman-plugin is
> doing the job very well (for me). Another candidate is ivman, but
> I don't know if it can handle crypted filesystems.
> Greets

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