Feisty+1 Specifications

Jari Rahkonen jari.rahkonen at pp1.inet.fi
Thu Apr 5 18:19:34 UTC 2007

Jani Monoses kirjoitti:
>> I think a good first step would be to identify points where Feisty 
>> lacks.  For example, I see there still is no WPA support, perhaps 
>> NetworkManager would be an option? And there's still no search tool, 
>> what happened to Tracker?
> One can install network-manager-gnome and its dependencies it;s just not default.
> Maybe by feisty+1 it will not depend on gnome libs.
> Jani

Has anyone taken a serious look at wicd[1] (used to be Connection
Manager) or even the new airconfig[2] by Brian Tarricone, the xfce dev?

[1] http://compwiz18.blackhole.cx/wicd/wb/
[2] http://spuriousinterrupt.org/projects/airconfig

- Jari

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