Final Reminder: Xubuntu Meeting November 25th

Jani Monoses jani.monoses at
Fri Nov 24 07:47:48 UTC 2006

On 11/23/06, Cody Somerville <cody.somerville at> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
>  I just wanted to give everyone one last reminder of the meeting this
> weekend. It would really be awesome if John and J Mak could show up to
> represent the documentation and artwork effort respectively.
> For more information about the upcoming meeting, see:

There are many items on the agenda and some of them are not specific enough
or suited for a few minutes discussion only.
I'd say for all those topics which are proposed the people who step up to do
something about them say so at the meeting
and then they can organize specialized submeetings or start threads on the
ml to flash out the idea.
For ex: what to do about the wiki? 2-3 folks say they are interested on
working out the goals and a plan to get there and agree
to keep the ml updated by a weekly report. Same for many other topics.
A meeting topic should be proposed when someone has some ideas about what to
accomplish and wants other opinions, not just
generic questions like "what to do wrt X?"
Then after this overview meeting we can get back to some more regular (and
possibly held during weekdays) meetings where few items
are discussed but in detail.

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