xubuntu 6.06 to xubuntu 6.10 what happend!

Robert McWilliam rmcw at allmail.net
Wed Nov 8 22:26:31 UTC 2006

On Wed, 08 Nov 2006 21:51:22 +0100
Jelle de Jong <jelledejong at powercraft.nl> wrote:
> I agree with you. But will updates like firefox 2 and a lot of other 
> program's be available as update for dapper?

General rules for updates are that they are only for security bug
fixes, not to get new features. 

I think the best chance for getting firefox2 in dapper would be the
backports. There is a list of the packages released already here:

firefox 2 isn't there and I have heard some discussion previously about
it saying that it is hard to backport as a lot of stuff depends on the
gecko engine. 

Robert McWilliam     rmcw at allmail.net    www.ormiret.com

The sun never goes down, it's just an illusion caused by the world 
spinning round.
		--The Flaming Lips

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