feedback (GDM theme)

Luzi Thöny lucius.antonius at
Tue May 30 08:41:31 UTC 2006

On 5/29/06, Dale <fastfoo at> wrote:
> Hi
> After installing the Xubuntu GDM theme, I noticed how unreadable the
> central login graphics are, as the font colour is white on a light blue
> background. This should definitely be changed. To solve this, I changed
> the GDM theme back to vanilla Ubuntu. Just as the 'xubuntu' part of the
> xubuntu heading on was changed to a dark blue, so should
> the font colour in the GDM theme.
> cheers
> Dale

The  white  text is easily readable on my screen, but what's really an issue
is the other text which you only see when you have 'timed login' enabled
("user luzi will be logged in 5 seconds.")- that text is in grey and it can
hardly be seen at all with the current gdm theme.

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