Luzi Thoeny lucius.antonius at
Sun May 21 11:28:32 UTC 2006

Colin McDermott wrote:
> >> Saving to floppies is pretty easy, as far as I know. Just use the 
> File Manager and drag the files over. Saving to CDs is more difficult, 
> since you need to use a CD burning application, but there's just no 
> other way at the moment. Maybe someday the Filemanager will include 
> this functionality.
> Really? Drag them WHERE? I see no Floppy Drive icon in Thunar? If you 
> have this working and there is a way to do this in Xubuntu please tell 
> me. Floppy drives have been Broken in both Hoary and Breezy! Can you 
> tell me of a way to do this in Xubuntu?
> Cheers
> Colin
Hi Colin,

I've tested this now, and it looks like I was wrong. Thunar didn't 
automount my floppy. However, you can easily mount it by hand like this:
$ mount /media/floppy0

it will then be available in /media/floppy, where you can drag stuff 
on/from it, just like with normal folders.


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