
Jani Monoses jani.monoses at gmail.com
Mon Jul 10 12:44:47 UTC 2006

Yes the diffs are big. I have asked the debian xfce packagers about us
using  common packaging (cdbs xfce class) but have yet to get an
answer. Until then I'll go on with our current packages and update to
4.4beta2 these days.
It's only worth syncing if we avoid having to redo all our changes to
the desktop files,
so we'll sync w/ override from debian when they use a cdbs class for
xfce as well.


On 7/10/06, Gauvain Pocentek <gauvainpocentek at gmail.com> wrote:
> Jani Monoses a écrit :
> > Hi all
> >
> > I have been quiet the past few weeks. I just want to say that I intend
> > to clean up the outstanding
> > xfce related merges from debian
> I've looked at these merges, the difference between ubuntu and debian is
> really big for the plugins, I'm not sure that it's usefull to merge
> these packages.
> Crimsun already requested a Xarchiver sync.
> > and get Xfce4.4 beta2 which is to be released today in the Knot 1
> > release of Edgy Eft later this week.
> I can help you with packaging some stuff (I have time today and tomorrow).
> I'm trying to clean REVU for the moment, but I'll certainly be happy to
> do something else in a few hours ;)
> Gauvain
> --
> <gauvainpocentek at gmail.com>
> Jabber: gauvainpocentek at jabber.ubuntu-fr.org
> --
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