Xubuntu Logo proposal

Licio Fernando licio at ubuntu.com
Fri Feb 10 12:13:41 UTC 2006

2006/2/10, daniele favara <danjele at gmail.com>:
> i think xubuntu should maintain the circle, and the X out of it ....
> or we'll get a text like:
> - (x)xubuntu
> and including the x within the circle :
> - (x)ubuntu
> it can look strange ... but  in the first case i read "xxubuntu" and
> in the last case "ubuntu".
> At the moment the one i like more is this:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XubuntuArtwork?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=xubuntu_banner.png
> the idea behind i think it's pertinent
> http://lehrer.schule.at/goell-pregesbauer//wp-content/xubuntu_logo_suggestion_3.gif
> but mainly it was the choice for berezy.
> What about the color palette|scheme ?

I liked them two!  But he will be that the rat of xfce can be used?

  ,= ,-_-. =. Licio Fernando <licio at ubuntu.com>
((_/)o o(\_)) Jabber: licio at jabber.org  |  I Seek You (Icq): 271062447
  `-' (. . ) `-'   Linux user: 343587 | Ubuntu - GNU/Linux
       \_/     http://licio.myftp.org/licio

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