Audio player
apa_chioara at
Thu Feb 2 15:41:52 UTC 2006
> On Wed, 2006-02-01 at 11:31 -0600, Alan wrote:
> > Uses around 50mb of memory as compared to the
> 150mb that Xfmedia uses
That's huge, and most likely unrealistic. I believe
that the whole of Xubuntu fits in 150MB :)
As for audio player, my vote goes to BeepMediaPlayer -
Winamp style - much more familiar than the Jukebox
It's GTK2, not like XMMS which uses GTK1, GTK1 being
unmantained for quite some years now...
It has very nice plugins, is small enough, quite fast.
Should be second after Xfmedia - which has only one
advantage: it's an Xfce app.
Just remember it's unofficial, so it's actualy in the
same league with BeepMediaPlayer.
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