
jmak jozmak at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 03:50:00 UTC 2006

Hi all,

The art team has received a note from ubuntu developers with a request
to complete all art production for edgy by August 31 (next Thursday).
After this date only minor tweaks could be made as the release of edgy
is getting closer and closer. So I thought it would make sense that we
too might follow this schedule. As a result, I reviewed all the
available artworks, taking into account the feedbacks and uploaded
those that I thought should be considered as finals for edgy. You can
take a look at them here:


In terms of look and feel, some parts of the interface has already
been completed and some still needs to be dealt with; these include:

1) The Logo
2) The Gdm splash
3) The Gdm login screen
4) Wallpapers
5) Gtk theme
6) Icons
7) Usplash

The first four items on the list are more less complete. But, the Gtk
theme and the Icon set still haven't been tackled. The Usplash
implementation still hasn't been decided by the development team
either; but I expect some info on this soon.


Regarding the gtk theme: I've come across a beautiful one, called
MurrinaGilouche that has been based on the Murrine engine. It is the
fastest cairo base theme and would be awesome as a default for xubuntu
edgy. Please try it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and give feedback. The
engine still not in the repositories, but Mr Shuttleworth said that it
would be there soon.

Until then, you can download the Murrina engine from here:


and the corresponding gtk theme from here;



We have Tango. Not very elegant but one of the most complete icon set
available for Linux. Mr Shuttleworth hates it. If anyone has better
icon idea please indicate. By the way, the new touched up gnome icons
look very nice, maybe we can consider using them. I don't know for
sure that the set is complete or still a work is progress. I have the
feeling that it is complete and will be released with the newest Gmome
in September. Does anyone have more info on this? Anyhow, here is a


That's it for now.

Please let me know what you think.

J. Mak

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