[edgy] xubuntu-system-tools - invalid password

Gauvain Pocentek gauvainpocentek at gmail.com
Sun Aug 13 11:30:50 UTC 2006

Luzi Thoeny a écrit :
> Gauvain Pocentek wrote:
>> Luzi Thoeny a écrit :
>>> trying to launch xubuntu-system-tools, e.g. ''System >> Users and 
>>> Groups, '', will reject my password.
>>> the same password works fine for synaptic and other apps that use gksudo.
>> Yes, I have the same issue here. Could you file a bug on Launchpad?
>> xubuntu-system-tools needs a lot of love...
>> Thanks,
>> Gauvain
> https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-system-tools/+bug/56217


In general please use launchpad for bug reports since we automatically
receive mails, and it's also easier to have an overview of the current
open bugs.
This is the best way to be sure that your bug report won't be forgotten.


> luzi

<gauvainpocentek at gmail.com>
Jabber: gauvainpocentek at jabber.ubuntu-fr.org

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