How to create separate libxfce4mcs-cliend&manager packages?

Harold Aling h.aling at
Wed Aug 2 10:03:57 UTC 2006

Jani Monoses wrote:
>     Everything seems to work, except for a very, very long load time
>     after logging in (~15 flashing mice;). I still have to sort that
>     out, but I get no errors anywhere...
> I have seen that startup lasts long sometimes, it depends on what apps 
> you have saved in your session.
I do not save extra apps in my session, and I don't use xfce4-terminal, 
just xterm...
> When I have xfce4-terminal with many tabs to restore it takes quite 
> long, but could be other apps too
> I have not invetigated what causes the slowdown, feel free to share 
> your findings
I use the same personal configuration and startup is ~15 seconds longer 
on the svn version...
> Jani

The Harold.
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