xubuntu desktop guide

Luzi Thoeny lucius.antonius at gmail.com
Thu Apr 6 12:41:54 UTC 2006

Jani Monoses wrote:
> Hi
> the Xubuntu Desktop Guide which is now maintained in docteam svn is 
> uploaded as part of the xubuntu-docs package
> I will update it as it gets new material. 
> Rigth now what can be safely added as it will be in xubuntu is 
> abiword, update manager,
> language selector (and maybe gqview?.Not sure if all apps haver to be 
> presented but it would not hurt I guess)
sounds like work for me :o)
> We have to see where to place a prominent link to it so it can be read 
> with a browser. Right now the default desktop menu
> contains help and about xfce items. It is somewhere there we should 
> fit it and think of a way of having help and about
> information about both xfce and xubuntu in a not too cluttering way.
i think Applications->Help should not lead directly to the Xfce 
Documentation. People who will click on it will most likely have 
questions like 'how do i watch a DVD', ... -> that's stuff covered in 
the  Xubuntu Desktop Guide.

Maybe Applications->Help could open a small HTML page that offers the 
choice between 1) Xubuntu Desktop Guide 2) Xfce User Documentation

If not, I'd prefer to have it launch the Xubuntu Desktop Guide, which, 
in turn, should have links to Xfce User Documentation.
> Jani

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