[ubuntu/xenial-proposed] lintian (Accepted)
Iain Lane
iain at orangesquash.org.uk
Wed Nov 18 17:13:14 UTC 2015
lintian ( xenial; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
- Ship pre-uglified json.js to avoid build-dep on nodejs for the tests.
lintian ( unstable; urgency=medium
No tags were added or removed
* checks/binaries.{desc,pm}:
+ [NT] Check for ".debug_str" section in addition to the
".debug_line" section to determine if an ELF file contains
detached debug symbols.
* checks/cruft.pm:
+ [BR] Avoid false positive in minified javascript by
detecting line with only one colon.
(Closes: #792365).
* checks/debconf.desc:
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* checks/files.pm:
+ [BR] Whitelist pbuilder for dir-or-file-in-build-tree.
* checks/scripts.pm:
+ [NT] Check the syntax of maintainter scripts with "sh" when
the script is declared with "#!/bin/sh". Thanks to Ron Lee
for spotting this.
* checks/shared-libs.pm:
+ [ADB, NT] Fix false-positive instance of the tag
postrm-should-call-ldconfig when the package is using the
ldconfig trigger. (Closes: #804256)
* checks/source-copyright.desc:
+ [JW] Use HTTPS for www.debian.org URLs.
* commands/spellintian.pm:
+ [JW,NT] Report non-files as "not a file" rather than
claiming them to be directories. (Closes: #802475)
* data/cruft/non-free-files:
+ [JW] Use HTTPS for bugs.debian.org URLs.
* data/output/manual-references:
+ [JW] Refresh.
* data/spelling/corrections*:
+ [JW] Add more corrections.
* doc/lintian.xml:
+ [JW] Use HTTPS for www.debian.org and lintian.debian.org URLs.
* doc/README.developers:
+ [JW] Use HTTPS for wiki.debian.org URLs.
* doc/README.release:
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* debian/copyright:
+ [JW] Use HTTPS for lintian.debian.org URLs.
* lib/Lintian/DepMap/Properties.pm:
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* lib/Lintian/Profile.pm:
+ [JW,NT] Correct include path for default profile when include
directories are not given explicitly. (Closes: #802476)
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* lib/Lintian/Unpacker.pm:
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* lib/Lintian/Util.pm:
+ [NT] Whitelist TMPDIR in "clean_env", so that man and msgfmt
will use the user defined TMPDIR (if any). Thanks to Bjarni
Ingi Gislason Bjarni for the bug report. (Closes: #801483)
* mail-templates/license-problem-non-free-RFC:
+ [JW] Use HTTPS for debian.org URLs.
* man/lintian.pod.in:
+ [JW] Fix incorrect claim that "pedantic" and "display-info" can't be
used together in the config file.
* private/refresh-*:
+ [JW] Use httpredir.debian.org as the default mirror.
* private/refresh-manual-refs:
+ [JW] Use HTTPS for www.debian.org and lintian.debian.org URLs.
* reporting/harness:
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* reporting/templates/*.tmpl:
+ [JW] Use HTTPS for debian.org URLs.
* vendors/ubuntu/main/data/changes-file/known-dists:
+ [JW] Add "wily" and "xenial".
+ [JW] Use HTTPS for www.debian.org and lintian.debian.org URLs.
lintian (2.5.38) unstable; urgency=medium
* Summary of tag changes:
+ Added:
- command-in-menu-file-and-desktop-file
- misspelled-closes-bug
* checks/binaries.desc:
+ [NT] Update description of a tag now that debhelper properly
strips static libraries.
+ [JW] Relax the regular expression used to used to recognize
architecture-specific paths to avoid false positive
arch-dependent-file-not-in-arch-specific-directory in Python debug
packages. Thanks to Matthias Klose for the bug report.
(Closes: #795275)
* checks/changelog-files.{desc,pm}:
+ [BR] Detect misspelled Closes in changelog file (Closes: #798799)
* checks/files.{desc,pm}:
+ [AB] Apply patch by Mattia Rizzolo to also check for files in /build
and /tmp/buildd in dir-or-file-in-build-tree. (Closes: #797532)
+ [NT] Rewrite the description for dir-or-file-in-build-tree. Thanks
to Chris Lamb and Jakub Wilk for pointing out issues with the
original description. (Closes: #797466)
+ [BR] Detect pagead2.
+ [BR] Fix false positive privacy-breach-* for alternate link tag
with type application/rdf+xml. (Closes: #799914).
* checks/obsolete-sites.pm:
+ [AB] Stop at <>, $, or " when emitting URLs as tag parameter.
* checks/menu-format.{desc,pm}:
+ [NT] Check for menu files used to provide a command also listed in
a desktop file. This tag is based on the verdict in
[CTTE #741573].
* checks/rules.desc:
+ [NT,JW] Improve the wording of one of the tags based on feedback
from Chris Lamb. (Closes: #796815)
* checks/scripts.desc:
+ [NT] Apply patch from Chris Lamb to fix a grammatical issue in a
tag description. (Closes: #797555)
* checks/shared-libs.pm:
+ [JW] Fix false positive dev-pkg-without-shlib-symlink for GCC runtime
libraries. Thanks to Matthias Klose for the bug report.
(Closes: #790739)
* checks/systemd.desc:
+ [AB] Apply patch by Chris Lamb to update link to Debian systemd
packaging reference. (Closes: #799082)
* checks/watch-file.desc:
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* data/binaries/embedded-libs:
+ [RG] Use a different string to detect the copies of freetype
(Closes: #756722)
+ [RG] Allow ffmpeg to provide libav*.
* data/debhelper/dh_{commands,packages}:
+ [AB] Apply patch by Stefano Rivera to update the home of
dh_gstscancodecs. (Closes: #799467)
* data/obsolete-sites/obsolete-sites:
+ [AB] Add patch by Hideki Yamane to add sourceforge.jp (Closes:
+ [AB] Sort file alphabetically.
* data/spelling/corrections:
+ [JW] Add more corrections.
* doc/lintian.xml:
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* lib/Lintian/Collect.pm:
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* lib/Lintian/Lab.pm:
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* man/lintian.pod.in:
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* private/refresh-debhelper-data:
+ [NT] Add a "This file is generated" header to all output files.
lintian (2.5.37) unstable; urgency=medium
* Summary of tag changes:
+ Added:
- obsolete-url-in-packaging
- renamed-tag
* checks/application-not-library.{desc,pm}:
+ [AB] Downgrade libapp-perl-package-name to certainty possible.
+ [AB] Add libapp-options-perl to the package whitelist.
* checks/binaries.pm:
+ [NT] Apply patch from Michael Stapelberg to ignore
"no-relro" and "no-fortify-functions" issues in
binaries built by the go compiler, as it does not
support these features. (Closes: #795667)
+ [NT] Apply patch from Michael Stapelberg to a
common false positive spelling mistake in "go"
binaries. (Closes: #795614)
+ [NT] Apply patch from Guillem Jover to avoid some false
positive shared-lib-without-dependency-information tags.
(Closes: #798063)
* checks/control-file.pm:
+ [AB] Apply patch by Christoph Biedl for relaxing dependency checks
to allow versions with tilde. (Closes: #797951)
* checks/copyright.pm:
+ [BR] Fix FP for copyright-without-copyright-notice tag
allow public-domain. (Closes: #786867)
* checks/cruft.pm:
+ [BR] Fix complex regular subexpression recursion limit.
Strip comments is only done on first 8192 characters.
(Closes: #795955).
+ [BR] Performance improvement check if line < 1024 before
stripping comment. Classify to minified if line > 1024.
+ [BR] Fix false positive in missing-sources directory
search path.
* checks/debhelper.pm:
+ [NT] Unconditionally warn about dh_clean -k usage even when the
debhelper compat is less than 7.
* checks/description.pm:
+ [AB] Fix false positives in
perl-module-name-not-mentioned-in-description. (Closes: #795779)
* checks/fields.{desc,pm}:
+ [JW] Use "an" (instead of "a") before "HTTP".
+ [NT] Assert that -dbgsym packages are in the "debug" section.
Thanks to Jean-Michel Vourgère for reporting the issue.
(Closes: #796896)
+ [AB] Also emit package-relation-with-perl-module for build-*
relations. Thanks gregor herrmann! (Closes: #798385)
* checks/obsolete-sites.{desc,pm}:
+ [AB] New check with tag obsolete-url-in-packaging to check for URLs
of hosting sites with frozen contents or (soon to be) closed hosting
sites (Google Code, Gitorious, Freshmeat, etc.) inside the
packaging. (Closes: #793503)
* checks/scripts.pm:
+ [BR] Fix Unescaped left brace in regex. (Closes: #788926)
* checks/shared-libs.{desc,pm}:
+ [NT] Accept an "activate-noawait ldconfig" trigger instead of
explicit calls to "ldconfig".
* checks/testsuite.pm:
+ [AB] Split up restrictions, features and tests by comma as well as
space. (Closes: #798359, #792418)
* checks/version-substvars.pm:
+ [BR] Fix Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated line 68.
* checks/watch.desc:
+ [BR] Upgrade upstream PGP keys location. (Closes: #796311)
* data/binaries/embedded-libs:
+ [RG] Add another matching string for libidn
* data/common/source-fields:
+ [AB] Add patch by Tianon Gravi to add go-import-path as known source
field. (Closes: #798422)
* data/fields/archive-sections:
+ [NT] Remove the "debugsym" section as "ddebs" will be put in
the regular "debug" section.
* data/fields/binary-fields:
+ [NT] Accept the "Build-Ids" field, which debhelper will start to
include in debug packages.
* data/scripts/maintainer-script-bad-command:
+ [AB] Fix maintainer-script-should-not-use-adduser-system-without-home
false positive in cases where --system and --home are ordered
differently than initially expected. (Closes: #797395)
* data/spelling/corrections:
+ [JW] Add correction for "bellow". (This is an actual English word,
but in technical texts, it's almost certainly a misspelling of
+ [JW] Add correction for "positve".
* debian/control:
+ [AB] Update Vcs-Browser header to use https and cgit.
* lib/Lintian/{Tags.pm,Tag/Override.pm}:
+ [BR] Support tag renaming. Warn about renamed
* t/runtests:
+ [BR] Apply patch from Chris Lamb improving documentation.
(Closes: #796822).
* t/scripts/01-critic/runner.pl:
+ [AB] Fix FTBFS in perlcritic runner with Test::Perl::Critic 1.03
* t/tests/application-not-library/debian/debian/control.in:
+ [AB] Add a false positive test for libapp-perl-package-name.
* t/tests/rules-perl-makemaker/debian/debian/rules:
+ [NT] Pass DESTDIR to MakeMaker to avoid FTBFS with Perl 5.22.
Thanks to Dominic Hargreaves for the report. (Closes: #797600)
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2015 16:38:57 +0000
Changed-By: Iain Lane <iain at orangesquash.org.uk>
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
-------------- next part --------------
Hash: SHA512
Format: 1.8
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2015 16:38:57 +0000
Source: lintian
Binary: lintian
Architecture: source
Distribution: xenial
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Changed-By: Iain Lane <iain at orangesquash.org.uk>
lintian - Debian package checker
Closes: 756722 786867 788926 790739 792365 792418 793503 795275 795614 795667 795779 795955 796311 796815 796822 796896 797395 797466 797532 797555 797600 797951 798063 798359 798385 798422 798736 798799 799082 799467 799914 801483 802475 802476 804256
lintian ( xenial; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
- Ship pre-uglified json.js to avoid build-dep on nodejs for the tests.
lintian ( unstable; urgency=medium
No tags were added or removed
* checks/binaries.{desc,pm}:
+ [NT] Check for ".debug_str" section in addition to the
".debug_line" section to determine if an ELF file contains
detached debug symbols.
* checks/cruft.pm:
+ [BR] Avoid false positive in minified javascript by
detecting line with only one colon.
(Closes: #792365).
* checks/debconf.desc:
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* checks/files.pm:
+ [BR] Whitelist pbuilder for dir-or-file-in-build-tree.
* checks/scripts.pm:
+ [NT] Check the syntax of maintainter scripts with "sh" when
the script is declared with "#!/bin/sh". Thanks to Ron Lee
for spotting this.
* checks/shared-libs.pm:
+ [ADB, NT] Fix false-positive instance of the tag
postrm-should-call-ldconfig when the package is using the
ldconfig trigger. (Closes: #804256)
* checks/source-copyright.desc:
+ [JW] Use HTTPS for www.debian.org URLs.
* commands/spellintian.pm:
+ [JW,NT] Report non-files as "not a file" rather than
claiming them to be directories. (Closes: #802475)
* data/cruft/non-free-files:
+ [JW] Use HTTPS for bugs.debian.org URLs.
* data/output/manual-references:
+ [JW] Refresh.
* data/spelling/corrections*:
+ [JW] Add more corrections.
* doc/lintian.xml:
+ [JW] Use HTTPS for www.debian.org and lintian.debian.org URLs.
* doc/README.developers:
+ [JW] Use HTTPS for wiki.debian.org URLs.
* doc/README.release:
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* debian/copyright:
+ [JW] Use HTTPS for lintian.debian.org URLs.
* lib/Lintian/DepMap/Properties.pm:
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* lib/Lintian/Profile.pm:
+ [JW,NT] Correct include path for default profile when include
directories are not given explicitly. (Closes: #802476)
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* lib/Lintian/Unpacker.pm:
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* lib/Lintian/Util.pm:
+ [NT] Whitelist TMPDIR in "clean_env", so that man and msgfmt
will use the user defined TMPDIR (if any). Thanks to Bjarni
Ingi Gislason Bjarni for the bug report. (Closes: #801483)
* mail-templates/license-problem-non-free-RFC:
+ [JW] Use HTTPS for debian.org URLs.
* man/lintian.pod.in:
+ [JW] Fix incorrect claim that "pedantic" and "display-info" can't be
used together in the config file.
* private/refresh-*:
+ [JW] Use httpredir.debian.org as the default mirror.
* private/refresh-manual-refs:
+ [JW] Use HTTPS for www.debian.org and lintian.debian.org URLs.
* reporting/harness:
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* reporting/templates/*.tmpl:
+ [JW] Use HTTPS for debian.org URLs.
* vendors/ubuntu/main/data/changes-file/known-dists:
+ [JW] Add "wily" and "xenial".
+ [JW] Use HTTPS for www.debian.org and lintian.debian.org URLs.
lintian (2.5.38) unstable; urgency=medium
* Summary of tag changes:
+ Added:
- command-in-menu-file-and-desktop-file
- misspelled-closes-bug
* checks/binaries.desc:
+ [NT] Update description of a tag now that debhelper properly
strips static libraries.
+ [JW] Relax the regular expression used to used to recognize
architecture-specific paths to avoid false positive
arch-dependent-file-not-in-arch-specific-directory in Python debug
packages. Thanks to Matthias Klose for the bug report.
(Closes: #795275)
* checks/changelog-files.{desc,pm}:
+ [BR] Detect misspelled Closes in changelog file (Closes: #798799)
* checks/files.{desc,pm}:
+ [AB] Apply patch by Mattia Rizzolo to also check for files in /build
and /tmp/buildd in dir-or-file-in-build-tree. (Closes: #797532)
+ [NT] Rewrite the description for dir-or-file-in-build-tree. Thanks
to Chris Lamb and Jakub Wilk for pointing out issues with the
original description. (Closes: #797466)
+ [BR] Detect pagead2.
+ [BR] Fix false positive privacy-breach-* for alternate link tag
with type application/rdf+xml. (Closes: #799914).
* checks/obsolete-sites.pm:
+ [AB] Stop at <>, $, or " when emitting URLs as tag parameter.
* checks/menu-format.{desc,pm}:
+ [NT] Check for menu files used to provide a command also listed in
a desktop file. This tag is based on the verdict in
[CTTE #741573].
* checks/rules.desc:
+ [NT,JW] Improve the wording of one of the tags based on feedback
from Chris Lamb. (Closes: #796815)
* checks/scripts.desc:
+ [NT] Apply patch from Chris Lamb to fix a grammatical issue in a
tag description. (Closes: #797555)
* checks/shared-libs.pm:
+ [JW] Fix false positive dev-pkg-without-shlib-symlink for GCC runtime
libraries. Thanks to Matthias Klose for the bug report.
(Closes: #790739)
* checks/systemd.desc:
+ [AB] Apply patch by Chris Lamb to update link to Debian systemd
packaging reference. (Closes: #799082)
* checks/watch-file.desc:
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* data/binaries/embedded-libs:
+ [RG] Use a different string to detect the copies of freetype
(Closes: #756722)
+ [RG] Allow ffmpeg to provide libav*.
* data/debhelper/dh_{commands,packages}:
+ [AB] Apply patch by Stefano Rivera to update the home of
dh_gstscancodecs. (Closes: #799467)
* data/obsolete-sites/obsolete-sites:
+ [AB] Add patch by Hideki Yamane to add sourceforge.jp (Closes:
+ [AB] Sort file alphabetically.
* data/spelling/corrections:
+ [JW] Add more corrections.
* doc/lintian.xml:
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* lib/Lintian/Collect.pm:
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* lib/Lintian/Lab.pm:
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* man/lintian.pod.in:
+ [JW] Fix typo.
* private/refresh-debhelper-data:
+ [NT] Add a "This file is generated" header to all output files.
lintian (2.5.37) unstable; urgency=medium
* Summary of tag changes:
+ Added:
- obsolete-url-in-packaging
- renamed-tag
* checks/application-not-library.{desc,pm}:
+ [AB] Downgrade libapp-perl-package-name to certainty possible.
+ [AB] Add libapp-options-perl to the package whitelist.
* checks/binaries.pm:
+ [NT] Apply patch from Michael Stapelberg to ignore
"no-relro" and "no-fortify-functions" issues in
binaries built by the go compiler, as it does not
support these features. (Closes: #795667)
+ [NT] Apply patch from Michael Stapelberg to a
common false positive spelling mistake in "go"
binaries. (Closes: #795614)
+ [NT] Apply patch from Guillem Jover to avoid some false
positive shared-lib-without-dependency-information tags.
(Closes: #798063)
* checks/control-file.pm:
+ [AB] Apply patch by Christoph Biedl for relaxing dependency checks
to allow versions with tilde. (Closes: #797951)
* checks/copyright.pm:
+ [BR] Fix FP for copyright-without-copyright-notice tag
allow public-domain. (Closes: #786867)
* checks/cruft.pm:
+ [BR] Fix complex regular subexpression recursion limit.
Strip comments is only done on first 8192 characters.
(Closes: #795955).
+ [BR] Performance improvement check if line < 1024 before
stripping comment. Classify to minified if line > 1024.
+ [BR] Fix false positive in missing-sources directory
search path.
* checks/debhelper.pm:
+ [NT] Unconditionally warn about dh_clean -k usage even when the
debhelper compat is less than 7.
* checks/description.pm:
+ [AB] Fix false positives in
perl-module-name-not-mentioned-in-description. (Closes: #795779)
* checks/fields.{desc,pm}:
+ [JW] Use "an" (instead of "a") before "HTTP".
+ [NT] Assert that -dbgsym packages are in the "debug" section.
Thanks to Jean-Michel Vourgère for reporting the issue.
(Closes: #796896)
+ [AB] Also emit package-relation-with-perl-module for build-*
relations. Thanks gregor herrmann! (Closes: #798385)
* checks/obsolete-sites.{desc,pm}:
+ [AB] New check with tag obsolete-url-in-packaging to check for URLs
of hosting sites with frozen contents or (soon to be) closed hosting
sites (Google Code, Gitorious, Freshmeat, etc.) inside the
packaging. (Closes: #793503)
* checks/scripts.pm:
+ [BR] Fix Unescaped left brace in regex. (Closes: #788926)
* checks/shared-libs.{desc,pm}:
+ [NT] Accept an "activate-noawait ldconfig" trigger instead of
explicit calls to "ldconfig".
* checks/testsuite.pm:
+ [AB] Split up restrictions, features and tests by comma as well as
space. (Closes: #798359, #792418)
* checks/version-substvars.pm:
+ [BR] Fix Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated line 68.
* checks/watch.desc:
+ [BR] Upgrade upstream PGP keys location. (Closes: #796311)
* data/binaries/embedded-libs:
+ [RG] Add another matching string for libidn
* data/common/source-fields:
+ [AB] Add patch by Tianon Gravi to add go-import-path as known source
field. (Closes: #798422)
* data/fields/archive-sections:
+ [NT] Remove the "debugsym" section as "ddebs" will be put in
the regular "debug" section.
* data/fields/binary-fields:
+ [NT] Accept the "Build-Ids" field, which debhelper will start to
include in debug packages.
* data/scripts/maintainer-script-bad-command:
+ [AB] Fix maintainer-script-should-not-use-adduser-system-without-home
false positive in cases where --system and --home are ordered
differently than initially expected. (Closes: #797395)
* data/spelling/corrections:
+ [JW] Add correction for "bellow". (This is an actual English word,
but in technical texts, it's almost certainly a misspelling of
+ [JW] Add correction for "positve".
* debian/control:
+ [AB] Update Vcs-Browser header to use https and cgit.
* lib/Lintian/{Tags.pm,Tag/Override.pm}:
+ [BR] Support tag renaming. Warn about renamed
* t/runtests:
+ [BR] Apply patch from Chris Lamb improving documentation.
(Closes: #796822).
* t/scripts/01-critic/runner.pl:
+ [AB] Fix FTBFS in perlcritic runner with Test::Perl::Critic 1.03
* t/tests/application-not-library/debian/debian/control.in:
+ [AB] Add a false positive test for libapp-perl-package-name.
* t/tests/rules-perl-makemaker/debian/debian/rules:
+ [NT] Pass DESTDIR to MakeMaker to avoid FTBFS with Perl 5.22.
Thanks to Dominic Hargreaves for the report. (Closes: #797600)
9537e0fd347be2501b8c9c5a719cafc0ef79f0bd 2878 lintian_2.5.38.1ubuntu1.dsc
b28c9bbb9dccbd4575626c42e8f20dd81ad3a522 1241552 lintian_2.5.38.1ubuntu1.tar.xz
954bd3a339ad91d9b70ae7d2d26e46b8be91c2713d7b9dabb92c704206f6d875 2878 lintian_2.5.38.1ubuntu1.dsc
eb4cc5d0ba46d7a1981e98bce62a3f95aca0248641f1b987d304a1af02b86400 1241552 lintian_2.5.38.1ubuntu1.tar.xz
9c9c8261a18e1bfe4bc817c38f694b69 2878 devel optional lintian_2.5.38.1ubuntu1.dsc
3f068e0aeced7514232fdf3c0801f840 1241552 devel optional lintian_2.5.38.1ubuntu1.tar.xz
Original-Maintainer: Debian Lintian Maintainers <lintian-maint at debian.org>
Version: GnuPG v1
More information about the Xenial-changes
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