[ubuntu/xenial-proposed] commons-httpclient 3.1-12 (Accepted)

Marc Deslauriers marc.deslauriers at canonical.com
Thu Nov 5 23:28:33 UTC 2015

commons-httpclient (3.1-12) unstable; urgency=high

  * Team upload.

  [ Kumar Appaiah ]
  * debian/control:
    + Remove Kumar Appaiah from uploaders

  [ Emmanuel Bourg ]
  * Add myself to Uploaders.
  * Switch to debhelper level 9
  * debian/control:
    - Use canonical URLs for the Vcs-* fields
    - Improved the package description
    - Removed Michael Koch from the uploaders (Closes: #654007)
  * debian/rules: Improved the clean target

  [ tony mancill ]
  * Remove trailing spaces from package description of
    libcommons-httpclient-java-doc in debian/control. (Closes: #783931)

  [ Markus Koschany ]
  * wrap-and-sort -sa.
  * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.6.
  * Add CVE-2015-5262.patch.
    Fix CVE-2015-5262 jakarta-commons-httpclient: https calls ignore
    http.socket.timeout during SSL Handshake. (Closes: #798650)

Date: 2015-11-02 22:11:44.536647+00:00
Changed-By: Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Signed-By: Marc Deslauriers <marc.deslauriers at canonical.com>
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