[ubuntu/vivid-proposed] xbmc 2:13.2+dfsg1-4ubuntu1 (Accepted)

Colin Watson cjwatson at ubuntu.com
Tue Dec 2 15:24:18 UTC 2014

xbmc (2:13.2+dfsg1-4ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium

  * Resynchronise with Debian.  Remaining changes:
    - nexus7-fullscreen-fix.patch.
    - xbmc-startup-script-workarounds-for-arm.patch: Added another
      workaround to get the touchscreen of the Nexus 7 working in the
      fullscreen mode of XBMC.

xbmc (2:13.2+dfsg1-4) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Version check is now removed from source, no need to remove it during the build
  * Fix suspend/hibernate with upower >= 0.99.1 (Closes: #767161)
  * Fix random failure in playing video using VDPAU (Closes: #742896)

xbmc (2:13.2+dfsg1-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Balint Reczey ]
  * Use VDPAU in Libav hacks only when VDPAU support is enabled.
    Fixes FTBFS on arches without VDPAU. (Closes: #766190)
  * Ship xbmc-dbg package only on amd64 and i386 architectures.
    This saves place on mirrors and those two architectures are the most
    popular ones among bug submitters.
  * Use OpenGL and Bellagio OpenMAX Integration Layer on MIPS
  * Patch upstream to support MIPS
  * Refresh patches after adding MIPS support
  * Enable using SDL in configure
  * Use X11 and SDL on MIPS
  * Let configure fail on unknown architectures

  [ Andreas Cadhalpun ]
  * Fix FTBFS with packaged FFmpeg (Closes: #766680)

xbmc (2:13.2+dfsg1-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Provide debug symbols in a separate package (Closes: #763627)
  * Always pass --enable-debug to configure to generate debug symbols
  * Fix XBMC's VDPAU API usage with patch from Libav
    (Closes: #750199, #742896, #745060, #750603)

xbmc (2:13.2+dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Ritesh Raj Sarraf ]
  * Ship systemd .services file (Closes: #751667)

  [ Balint Reczey ]
  * XBMC 13.2 Gotham
    - release notes: http://xbmc.org/xbmc-13-2-gotham-final-release
  * Refresh patches
  * libcwiid-dev is present only on Linux
  * Fall back to old location of DejaVuSans.ttf if needed.
    This helps backporting.
  * Fall back to old location of libhdhomerun includes if needed
  * Ship xbmc.service file as an example only
  * Really exclude version check addon from source tarball
  * Don't download RSS feed from XBMC.org by default
  * Remove obsolete files related to Windows build from source tarball

Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 15:13:27 +0000
Changed-By: Colin Watson <cjwatson at ubuntu.com>
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
-------------- next part --------------
Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 15:13:27 +0000
Source: xbmc
Binary: xbmc xbmc-bin xbmc-dbg xbmc-eventclients-common xbmc-eventclients-dev xbmc-eventclients-wiiremote xbmc-eventclients-j2me xbmc-eventclients-ps3 xbmc-eventclients-xbmc-send xbmc-addons-dev
Architecture: source
Version: 2:13.2+dfsg1-4ubuntu1
Distribution: vivid
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Changed-By: Colin Watson <cjwatson at ubuntu.com>
 xbmc       - XBMC Media Center (arch-independent data package)
 xbmc-addons-dev - XBMC Media Center (Addons Dev package)
 xbmc-bin   - XBMC Media Center (binary data package)
 xbmc-dbg   - XBMC Media Center - debug symbols
 xbmc-eventclients-common - XBMC Media Center (Event Client Common package)
 xbmc-eventclients-dev - XBMC Media Center (Event Client Dev package)
 xbmc-eventclients-j2me - XBMC Media Center (Event Client J2ME package)
 xbmc-eventclients-ps3 - XBMC Media Center (Event Client PS3 package)
 xbmc-eventclients-wiiremote - XBMC Media Center (Event Client WII Remote support package)
 xbmc-eventclients-xbmc-send - XBMC Media Center (Event Client XBMC-SEND package)
Closes: 742896 745060 750199 750603 751667 763627 766190 766680 767161
 xbmc (2:13.2+dfsg1-4ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium
   * Resynchronise with Debian.  Remaining changes:
     - nexus7-fullscreen-fix.patch.
     - xbmc-startup-script-workarounds-for-arm.patch: Added another
       workaround to get the touchscreen of the Nexus 7 working in the
       fullscreen mode of XBMC.
 xbmc (2:13.2+dfsg1-4) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Version check is now removed from source, no need to remove it during the build
   * Fix suspend/hibernate with upower >= 0.99.1 (Closes: #767161)
   * Fix random failure in playing video using VDPAU (Closes: #742896)
 xbmc (2:13.2+dfsg1-3) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Balint Reczey ]
   * Use VDPAU in Libav hacks only when VDPAU support is enabled.
     Fixes FTBFS on arches without VDPAU. (Closes: #766190)
   * Ship xbmc-dbg package only on amd64 and i386 architectures.
     This saves place on mirrors and those two architectures are the most
     popular ones among bug submitters.
   * Use OpenGL and Bellagio OpenMAX Integration Layer on MIPS
   * Patch upstream to support MIPS
   * Refresh patches after adding MIPS support
   * Enable using SDL in configure
   * Use X11 and SDL on MIPS
   * Let configure fail on unknown architectures
   [ Andreas Cadhalpun ]
   * Fix FTBFS with packaged FFmpeg (Closes: #766680)
 xbmc (2:13.2+dfsg1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Provide debug symbols in a separate package (Closes: #763627)
   * Always pass --enable-debug to configure to generate debug symbols
   * Fix XBMC's VDPAU API usage with patch from Libav
     (Closes: #750199, #742896, #745060, #750603)
 xbmc (2:13.2+dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Ritesh Raj Sarraf ]
   * Ship systemd .services file (Closes: #751667)
   [ Balint Reczey ]
   * XBMC 13.2 Gotham
     - release notes: http://xbmc.org/xbmc-13-2-gotham-final-release
   * Refresh patches
   * libcwiid-dev is present only on Linux
   * Fall back to old location of DejaVuSans.ttf if needed.
     This helps backporting.
   * Fall back to old location of libhdhomerun includes if needed
   * Ship xbmc.service file as an example only
   * Really exclude version check addon from source tarball
   * Don't download RSS feed from XBMC.org by default
   * Remove obsolete files related to Windows build from source tarball
 9db29664128d854e8053737abf8d8aa87a20907b 4483 xbmc_13.2+dfsg1-4ubuntu1.dsc
 1083da62209c6bd21578f2a51ba072d750211c54 26014924 xbmc_13.2+dfsg1.orig.tar.xz
 464326c23e92979b2d411c39b0c05535bb504d32 83612 xbmc_13.2+dfsg1-4ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz
 99caac4237cb6e7993bc055edd2ae74ebd78f063d5a20b4e050a170e45feaa39 4483 xbmc_13.2+dfsg1-4ubuntu1.dsc
 264dc11e99c4e5f7ebd56c634f7aafed8bdbb7e777e1b2c989cfc5cdf8037712 26014924 xbmc_13.2+dfsg1.orig.tar.xz
 5ddfafc170f2aecc9535a034b239ae2ea2938fb42bdd7ee08c4066c193175289 83612 xbmc_13.2+dfsg1-4ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz
 bdb902731c7904ac9fb1d0f08729135f 4483 video optional xbmc_13.2+dfsg1-4ubuntu1.dsc
 2d9a44e58a3e91634012c43d5ed6ee15 26014924 video optional xbmc_13.2+dfsg1.orig.tar.xz
 5c3457db664d4f09c8dbbce51bfbf0ce 83612 video optional xbmc_13.2+dfsg1-4ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz
Original-Maintainer: Debian Multimedia Maintainers <pkg-multimedia-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>

Version: GnuPG v1
Comment: Colin Watson <cjwatson at debian.org> -- Debian developer


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