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Daniel Lam daniel.cklam at gmail.com
Mon Jul 28 02:01:04 UTC 2014

Hi there,

Need some help in using upstart in an Amazon-Linux-AMI instance here. My
apology if this is not the right place to ask.. but IRC channel says "post
to mailing list if no response here".

I've got my .conf below placed in /etc/init. Command to start/stop/restart
would work, e.g. "sudo start my-app-name". However I can't get my process
to start automatically on reboot (see how I tried 2 different params


    description "node app"

    #start on started mountall

    start on startup

    stop on shutdown

    # Automatically Respawn:


    respawn limit 99 5

    env NODE_ENV=development


        cd /home/ec2-user/test

        exec node app.js 2>&1 >> /var/log/test.log

    end script

Any help will be much appreciated thank you!

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