debugging upstart failure

Dimitri John Ledkov xnox at
Fri Dec 19 21:33:59 UTC 2014

On 18 December 2014 at 16:09, Michal Suchanek <hramrach at> wrote:
> On 17 December 2014 at 15:50, Michal Suchanek <hramrach at> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> On 15 December 2014 at 00:09, Dimitri John Ledkov <xnox at> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> On 12 December 2014 at 16:47, Michal Suchanek <hramrach at> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I bootstrapped Debian wheezy chroot, installed upstart, cloned it to
>>>> half dozen media, added kernel and bootloader to each, put it to
>>>> machines for which these kernels are configured, and on two of them
>>>> upstart does not boot the system.
>>>> I can boot with init=/bin/bash
>>>> /var/log/upstart is empty
>>>> verbose upstart logs that mountall-net finished on the console init:
>>>> startpar-bridge (mountall-net--stopped) state changed from post-stop
>>>> to waiting
>>>> network is brought up but sshd does not run
>>>> getty on console does not run (not sure configuration is correct - had
>>>> to hack it myself)
>>>> upgrading to jessie does not solve the problem
>>>> installing sysvinit makes system bootable
>>>> on none of the machines plymouth works. It is somehow half-broken on Debian.
>>>> These two broken machines have very different kernel sources so I am
>>>> wondering if I am missing a kernel feature,
>>>> What kernel features are required to run upstart? eg. udev package in
>>>> Debian has a list of kernel symbols it checks and I had to add kernel
>>>> feature to install jessie udev on the working machines.
>>> In terms of kernel config, upstart should be resilient to most things
>>> and thus fairly portable.
>>> The best way to debug is to change tty1 job to "start on startup" and
>>> boot with --verbose flag.
>> Indeed, changing ttyS0 to start on startup allows me to log in on the console.
>> Remounting / readwrite by hand magically makes the boot process finish.
>> Adding --verbose flag is recommended by the documentation but there is
>> no obvious way to  interpret the output:
>> On both working and broken system fstab is present but empty.
>> This is definitely not ideal.
>> However
>> 1) it is not the cause as the working system also has empty fstab
> So the cause is that the default for mounting root filesystem changed
> from readwrite to readonly between kernel versions. Upstart waits for
> / becoming writable so either mounting it rw to start with or
> remouting it by hand from console works.
>> 2) if it was the cause there should be an error reported so the user
>> can diagnose the failure
> Waiting indefinitely for / becoming writable should definitely trigger
> an error. It may be hard to tell in the upstart job system in general
> that nothing is being done for the filesystem to become accessible
> since some jobs are probably running and even if those jobs are
> permanent services rather than one time jobs there is no saying what
> the service is doing in the background.
> That said, the default job set has a specific script for mounting the
> / and if mounting / there does not happen it can print a warning.
> Unless the user supplied a different job for mounting a root
> filesystem boot has just failed.
>> 3) sysvinit can also boot with empty fstab - it does not really
>> contain any precious information
> Indeed, the / filesystem is already mounted so all that is required is
> to change it to readwrite. If init can handle that upstart should be
> able to do the same.

That sounds sensible. Upstart itself (pid 1) is simply awaiting
notification from mountall daemon to notify that root is available.
Thus a fix would need to be in mountall, to notice there is no config
for /, and either remount it rw (not sure if that is or isn't a change
of behariour, as one should specify on the kernel cmdline "rw") and
send the notification to upstart.

Could you file a bug report against mountall package about this? In
debian BTS or launchpad (ubuntu distribution, package mountall)



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