script spawned twice

Leonardo Gabrielli leodardo at
Thu Sep 12 14:32:23 UTC 2013

Dear all,
I'm sorry to bother here in the list, but I can't find upstart experts 
on other forums.

I am testing an upstart job for automatic connection of machines based 
on avahi and other stuff, similar to UPnP but focused on professional audio.

The problem I'm facing it's hawkward: a script launched by the upstart 
job appears in the process list twice, one instance lives forever (as it 
must) and another spurious one is born periodically and dies in a few 
seconds. The strange thing is: the parent of the spurious script is the 
first instance, but in my script there is no command that should give 
birth to another instance of the script!


the .conf in /etc/init launches these commands in the "script" stanza:
         if [ -f /home/ccrma/on-startup/WeMUST/ ]; then
                 sudo -H -E -u ccrma 
/home/ccrma/on-startup/WeMUST/ > /home/ccrma/on-startup/$
                 sudo -H -E -u ccrma 
/home/ccrma/on-startup/WeMUST/ > /home/ccrma/on-startup/$
         elif [ -f  /home/ccrma/on-startup/load_default_patch ]; then
                 sudo -H -E -u ccrma 
end script[/CODE]

(I know it is deprecated to have long scripts in the "script" stanza, I 
see if I can improve this later).
The abnormal behavior is with the script.

The script is quite long, and includes call to jackd, 
avahi, jacktrip and more, but there is NO reference whatsoever to 
itself, so I can't see how the script could initiate a new instance.

I know that the parent process to the periodically appearing instance is 
the first instance of from the following command:
ps -p `ps aux | grep [w]emust-start | awk 'NR == 2'{ print $2 }'` -o ppid=

So I read the second line (whenever it is not empty) of ps to get its 
pid and then send the pid to ps -o ppid to know what is the parent pid. 
The parent pid is the first wemust-start instance. The first instance 
has of course parent pid = 1.

Maybe the problem is with the conf file? I tried to mingle with the 
"expect" and "respawn" stanzas to no avail...
Any suggestions?

The entire .conf file:

[CODE]description     "WeMUST daemon"

# starts at runlevel 2 after avahi
start on (runlevel [2]
         and started avahi-daemon)
stop on runlevel [016]

#expect fork
#respawn limit 2 1

pre-start script
         echo "[`date +"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"`] UPSTART: Starting 
wemust.conf startup job" >> /home/ccrma/on-startup/WeMUST/.globaldump
end script

         if [ -f /home/ccrma/on-startup/WeMUST/ ]; then
                 sudo -H -E -u ccrma 
/home/ccrma/on-startup/WeMUST/ > 
/home/ccrma/on-startup/WeMUST/wemust.log &
                 sudo -H -E -u ccrma 
/home/ccrma/on-startup/WeMUST/ > 
/home/ccrma/on-startup/WeMUST/afterConnect.log &
         elif [ -f  /home/ccrma/on-startup/load_default_patch ]; then
                 sudo -H -E -u ccrma 
end script

post-stop script
         echo "[`date +"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"`] UPSTART: Launched 
wemust.conf startup job" >> /home/ccrma/on-startup/WeMUST/.globaldump
end script

It's a BeagleBoard xM running Ubuntu 10.10 with a patched kernel.
Linux omap 3.2.2-x4 #1 SMP PREEMPT armv7l GNU/Linux
upstart is version 2010-02-04 0.6.5

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